Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STUBA)
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STUBA) belongs to the leading universities in education and R&D in the New Member States of EU. The Institute of Electronics and Photonics at STUBA is active in areas including micro-/nanoelectronics and power electronics, organic electronics and photonics, sensorics, IC and smart system design and testing.
STUBA with more than 12000 students aims to be an internationally recognized, research-oriented technical university, which provides high-quality education and research in the key technology fields including electrical engineering, informatics and information technology, mechanical engineering and materials technologies, architecture and civil engineering, chemistry and food technologies. In 2012, STU received the ECTS label – the most prestigious European certificate awarded in the sphere of education.
The activities of Institute of Electronics and Photonics comprise design and TCAD simulation of electronic devices, thin-film sensors, photonic structures as well as designs of analogue, logic and mixed-signal circuits and subsequent signal processing for healthcare and environmental applications. Device characterization and failure analysis either by electrical, analytical and microscopical tools is another strong field of the institute activities.
STUBA will provide its expertise in the field of electrical characterization, measurements for reliability assessment and numerical electrothermal modelling and simulations to analyze early failures of electronic power devices and their wear out.
Furthermore, STUBA as a Dissemination work package co-leader and task leader will contribute to the effective dissemination of project activities and results within the consortia, wide scientific community, students and public society. This will be achieved through the project newsletters, social media and regularly updated web page.
Key contribution
STUBA will contribute to the characterization and analysis of smart power devices and wide bandgap devices. The behaviour of electronic devices in harsh environments under the repetitive switching conditions and their impact on electrical performance will be analysed by electrical methods with the aim to support the information relevant to device reliability.
Numerical electro-thermal simulations of complex device structures and experimental analysis of devices to be tested will be another contribution. In addition, STUBA will prepare newsletters to highlight the project achievements and will regularly update the web page and disseminate project activities and results through social media.
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STUBA)
Vazovova 5
812 43 Bratislava
Phone: 00421 2 602 91 358