GÖPEL electronic GmbH

GOEPEL electronic is a worldwide supplier for electrical test equipment and inspection systems. Based on advanced technologies, the products enabling a high process quality in the prototype validation and in the mass production of electronic modules, boards and systems.

GOEPEL electronic was founded 1991 as a spin-off from Carl Zeiss with Headquarter in Jena/Germany. The company is a worldwide supplier for electrical test equipment and inspection systems. With special expertise and advanced technologies for testing of deep embedded structures, the products enabling a high process quality in the prototype validation and in the mass production of complex electronic modules, boards and systems with extreme limited or no physical access. Turnover in 2019 reached over 40 M€ at a staff count of 235 fellow workers.

Based on a high R&D expense rate of more than 30% related to the turnover, the company maintained technological leadership in the domain of test and inspection of embedded structures since many years. All products are designed and manufactured centralized in the HQ. For support, service and sales GOEPEL electronic maintains a worldwide network with own branch offices (US, China, India, UK, Malaysia), distributors and associated system integrators.


GOEPEL electronic will active participating on the project concerning the objectives of test starting from the theoretical analysis of failure phenomena, over the derivation of requirements for new test methods up to the development of respective new solution approaches and technologies for testing embedded structures. To achieve this objective, GOEPEL electronic will participate on the Work Packages 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Furthermore, GOEPEL electronic will also establish working connections in the large consortium to identify possible partners for cooperation and distribution of aggregated skills for reliability test throughout the entire product life cycle.

Key contribution

GOEPEL electronic will analyze different kind of failures on complex embedded interconnections and their physical context followed by derivation of failure models in WP2. This action will be complemented by the investigation of critical high speed interfaces on chip, board and system level in WP3.

Based on the output of WP2 and WP3, the development of new AI based solution approaches comprising X-Ray technology and embedded Instruments technology will be carried out in WP4 and WP5. Physical validation of the results should proof the usability of the combined application for predictive reliability assessment over the entire product life cycle.

GÖPEL electronic GmbH

Göschwitzer Str. 58-60
07745 Jena
Phone: +49 3641 6896-0
E-Mail: info@goepel.com