Presentations, Posters & Reports
Thomas Krivec, Julia Zündel
Virtual design for life time optimization of M2X modules - a use case from the iREL40 project
Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC) 2022
September 13 - 16, 2022, Sibiu, Romania
Jakob Willner, Lukas Brunnbauer, Michael Nelhiebel, Silvia Larisegger and Andreas Limbeck
A novel standard addition approach for matrix-matched calibration with LA-ICP-MS via spray deposition
September 4 - 9, 2022, Brno, Czech Republic
Lukas Brunnbauer, Jakob Willner, Markus Sauer, Annette Foelske-Schmitz, Silvia Larisegger, Andreas Limbeck
Investigating the corrosion behaviour of copper in sulphur containing atmospheres
Colloquim Spectroscopicum Internationale XLII
May 30th - June 3rd 2022, Spain
Jakob Willner, Lukas Brunnbauer, Lars Varain, Michael Nelhiebel, Silvia Larisegger and Andreas Limbeck
Development and Application of a New Weathering Setup for Investigation of Polymer degradation in Harsh Environments
9th CAM-Workshop
13.-15. June 2022 Halle, Germany
Jakob Willner, Lukas Brunnbauer, Lars Varain, Michael Nelhiebel, Silvia Larisegger and Andreas Limbeck
Investigation of Polymer ageing by combined LIBS and LA-ICP-MS analysis
European Workshop on Laser Ablation
12.- 15.07.2022, Bern, Switzerland
Jakob Willner, Philipp Rosenauer, Lars Varain, Lukas Brunnbauer, Michael Nelhiebel, Silvia Larisegger and Andreas Limbeck
Quantitative and Depth-Resolved Analysis of Sulfur in Weathered Polymer Films with LA-ICP-MS for the Determination of Diffusion Coefficients of SO2 in Polymers
European Workshop on Laser Ablation
12.- 15.07.2022, Bern, Switzerland
T.Happonen, A.Korhonen, P.Järvinen, M.Turunen, T. Liimatta, M. Paakkolanvaara, and T.Alajoki
Roll-to-roll manufacturing and reliability assessment of stretchable temperature sensors
LOPEC 2022
March 22–24, 2022, München, Germany
J. Willner, L. Varain, L. Brunnbauer, P. Mayr, M. Nelhiebel, G. Fafilek, S. Larisegger, A. Limbeck
Determination of protection capabilities of selected polymers against atmospheric corrosion in harsh environments
October 26-28, 2021, (online)
Jakob Willner, Lukas Brunnbauer, Michael Nelhiebel, Silvia Larisegger and Andreas Limbeck
Quantitative Assessment of Sulfur Uptake from Polymers Aged in Harsh Environments via LA-ICP-MS
22nd Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
January 17 – 22, 2022, Tucson, Arizona
J. Willner, L. Brunnbauer, M. Nelhiebel, S. Larisegger, A. Limbeck
Quantitative Determination of sulfur uptake in selected polymers via LA-ICP-MS
AOFKA 2021
October 6-8, 2021, Freiberg, Germany
J. Willner, L. Brunnbauer, M. Nelhiebel, S. Larisegger and A. Limbeck
Humidity and temperature dependence of the Sulfur uptake behavior of different polymers examined via LA-ICP-MS depth profile measurements
22nd Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
January 17 - 22, 2022, Tucson, AC, USA