ULMA Embedded Solutions

ULMA Embedded Solutions is a technological SME with a strong focus on safety- and mission-critical features beyond a specific domain. Thus, we work from a system perspective to provide hardware and software solutions to problems present in many sectors. ULMA acts as a design house for complex embedded system development for its customers.

ULMA provides custom electronic product development and specialized design services across several sectors from a whole product lifecycle perspective. Industrial automation, transportation, energy and medical devices are some of the demanding sectors where ULMA applies its expertise to deliver projects and products complying with stringent regulations.

The reference expertise of embedded systems research group includes new development approaches such as software product lines and model driven development, and verification and validation for embedded systems (software architecture evaluation, model-based analysis, testing, etc.) and the interoperability of systems and subsystems (design and development of interoperable ecosystems).


ULMA Embedded Solutions in leading the industrial pilot “Smart Digital Twin Testing Environment for digital hardware”. From the definition of requirements to the management of evidence for certification purposes, the engineering process of electronic components require the intelligent support of tools that can (1) extract requirements from industry standards, (2) ensure the quality of the engineering process by providing a smart authoring tool that assist the engineers in the development process and (3) help to automatically build smart testing environments by generating test data, test cases and testing components at the same time. In this manner, the engineering process is assisted by tools and techniques during the whole V lifecycle building a smart layer of capabilities on top of existing tools as an intelligent supervisor for engineering electronic components.

Key contribution

The key contributions of ULMA Embedded Solutions (ULMA) are related with the industrial pilot “Smart Digital Twin Testing Environment for digital hardware”.

ULMA will contribute with the definition of this industrial pilot that will be then implemented with the rest of the partners.

ULMA will oversee the implementation of the use case as end-user and will make use of the new methods to boost the continuous quality and testing of the hardware components.

ULMA will validate the approach extracting metrics to assess the efficiency of the new methods to improve the safety and reliability functions.

ULMA Embedded Solutions

Garagaltza auzoa, 51 - P.O. Box 22
20560 OÑATI (Gipuzkoa)
Phone: +34 943 250 300
E-Mail: info@ulmaembedded.com